Innovation in ELT
Brookemead Associates Ltd
Educational Publishers
London, UK - San Francisco, USA

CLIL in Every Unit

QSE and Smart English features a cross-curricular CLIL (Content & Language Integrated Learning) topic as part of every unit. Many of these reflect the modern syllabus with subjects like Business Studies, Health & Fitness, Law, Design Technology and ICT.

The traditional curriculum subjects, such as Maths, Science and Geography, are also factors.

The QSE approach to CLIL also embraces a range of topics that interest and are useful to students even if they are not being formally studied. These include ideas such as Psychology, Human Rights, Globalisation, Meteorology, Social Studies and Public Relations.

The objective of the cross-curricular sections is not primarily to add to the students' own knowledge. Instead it is to equip students to extend their understanding of the world through the use of a foreign language.

See also:


QSE in TKT Course

From the Cambridge ESOL TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) online course: " develop teachers' knowledge of a CLIL approach and their ability to integrate content and language effectively when teaching. With this course teachers will understand how to teach, support and assess learners studying through a CLIL approach."

This course features an extract from QSE Intermediate B1-B2 as an example of good practice, using the 4Cs Analysis Method.

Click here to see:



"CLIL is regarded … as the ultimate communicative methodology … CLIL is an approach to bilingual education in which both curriculum and content - such as science or geography - and English are taught together … Hence it is a means of teaching curriculum subjects through the medium of the language still being learned."

"CLIL can also be regarded … as a means of teaching English through the study of a specialist content."

David Graddol, English Next, British Council 2006